Resurrection and MILFS: a 2023 recap

Step into the video store of the past with 'Found On Shelf' as hosts Patrick and Dustin rewind through a year of cinematic exploration. From uncovering hidden gems to dissecting notorious flops, this year-end special promises a journey through the annals of film history that's as unpredictable as it is entertaining.
Tune in and discover why every movie deserves a second chance on the shelf.
🔑 Episode Keywords
Found On Shelf, Podcast, Movies, Forgotten Classics, Season Review, Film Analysis, Co-Hosts Patrick And Dustin, Movie Choices, Listener Feedback, Film Recommendations, Movie Segments, Unconventional Films, Season Three, Narrative Continuity, Entertainment Discussion, Year-End Special, Creative Process, Film Discovery, Listener Engagement, Film Industry Insights
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Welcome to Found On Shelf, the podcast that keeps on trucking
>> Speaker A: Welcome to Gimcrack video. How can I help you tonight?
>> Speaker B: Hey, yeah, we're just, browsing for something a little different.
>> Speaker A: Well, have you tried our forgotten classics?
>> Speaker B: Is that the one over there under the sign that says Blighted by God?
>> Speaker A: Oh, I found something. Have you seen this before?
>> Speaker B: never heard of it. Grab it.
>> Speaker A: Enjoy your selection.
>> Speaker B: You know you know we're still here, right?
>> Speaker A: Oh, hey, everyone. Welcome to Found On Shelf, the podcast that keeps on trucking. I am your canonically immortal host, Patrick, and with me, as always, is my much better prepared co host, Dustin.
>> Speaker B: Yes. And I am also, immortal. Apparently.
>> Speaker A: That's true. We are canonically immortal after the devil said that we could never die because we made him watch things. See, there's a canon in this show. If you want to get involved with the story continuity, which changes and evolves, you're just going to have to listen to all of the episodes.
>> Speaker B: Right.
>> Speaker A: I think we're getting up there at it right now. Are we?
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: This is our year in special. We'll talk a little more about that in a minute. we just got through season two. We're about to start season three. We want to take a minute to kind of do a post mortem on everything and see, how it went and get some feedback. Just going to talk about the process a little. There is a process. The process is not dissimilar to spam, but it is process.
Justin: You went hard this year with your movie picks
Justin, how are we feeling tonight?
>> Speaker B: Ah, you know what? Ah, it's the end of the year. I'm feeling good, having fun doing this. I'm very much enjoying, torturing people with, some of these movie choices that are not the greatest choices in the world, but are, you kidding?
>> Speaker A: You didn't think getting lucky was a great choice?
>> Speaker B: No, getting lucky was probably one of my better choices.
>> Speaker A: I'm looking at the list right now and seeing it all just kind of like splayed out before me. You went hard this year. Yeah. Ah, this is kind of like looking at crime scene photos.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. I think it might have been a tad unnecessary.
>> Speaker A: I can't say mine isn't hit and miss, but there are some impressive picks here. I got to get it to you on that one.
>> Speaker B: Yes. you've got some pretty high highs and I've got some really low lows. So I think it balances out in the long run. Yeah.
>> Speaker A: You know, peaks and valleys.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, exactly.
It is still not announced whether there will be a season two or not
Speaking of peaks and valleys, which porn movie?
>> Speaker A: Oh, God damn it. So we did have feature a recurring segment on the show in which you would regale us with the goings on of the MILF Manor series. Tell us. Yeah. how does that go for you?
>> Speaker B: We tried a few bits this season and just wanted to see how things were going. much like when you're watching an old sitcom and they add like a little baby brother or something to the show. you just kind of have to mix it up a little bit and just try new things. so, yeah. Ah, I watched, Milth Manor. at this time of recording, it is still not announced whether there will be a season two or not. well there will be, but they.
>> Speaker A: Have to wait another 20 years.
>> Speaker B: It's going to be the sons and they're oh, never mind, that's even worse. I, hated myself for watching it. it was kind of fun torturing you with some of the games they played on it, but it's good times. I don't know if I'll try that again, maybe. You know what I think, for this upcoming season, I think what I'm going to try and do is actually watch things before pitching them.
>> Speaker A: That is a novel approach.
>> Speaker B: I might do that not for all of them, but for a couple of them, probably.
>> Speaker A: Is this feedback from the.
>> Speaker B: mean when a Krampus episode starts out with army soldiers raping a nun? That's a bit rough.
>> Speaker A: Just a smidge. I have some notes for the creators of Sister Krampus.
>> Speaker B: Very unnecessary.
Glass Half Full Moon podcast had some interesting guests this year
So we had one thing, that we did also do this year that was different, is we had some interviews.
>> Speaker A: We did, we interviewed Jeff Kirkendall of the Ambiville in Space movie,
>> Speaker B: and lots of other films.
>> Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. No he's had quite an illustrious career in the, is it the Polona verse?
>> Speaker B: Oh gosh, I don't know how you would say that.
>> Speaker A: And then also we did talk to Alan Maxon and the creative, of Alien Planet.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. we got Christmas with Cookie himself on here. we did. That really just made me happy. That was like a Christmas present for me. So I'm good. but no, that was a lot of fun talking to those guys and just hearing some of the making of and finding out what they are about what they like and all that stuff. So that was cool. it'll be a work in progress. We'll get there. We're fine tuning things here. I think it's going had, we had.
>> Speaker A: More guests on this year. the Glass Half Full Moon podcast came back for Christmas and we got Satan on for know we're branching out a little.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, I mean m Satan's on why not? yeah that was a fun little, narrative that we did. I like that.
Patrick, out of all of these movies that we've covered what was your favorite
Patrick, out of all of these movies that we've got your movies, my movies, all these movies here, what would you say your favorite movie that we covered was?
>> Speaker A: out of all of them or out of yours?
>> Speaker B: Out of all of them, I'll make you pick my top three. But out of all of the movies, what do you think. What was your favorite?
>> Speaker A: That's tough.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. I don't think it's going to be on my list.
>> Speaker A: Probably just overall movie. Christmas, Bloody Christmas. but Symbol is real close second on that because making someone watch Symbol is an experience. It's not a bad movie. I love Symbol as a genuinely just weird ass movie. It's cool watching people try to grapple with the lack of any kind of sense of what's going on in the screen in a more engaging way. Because it doesn't feel like a pretentious art movie because it's a dude in a room poking dicks, but then it turns out he's God.
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: So Christmas Blood christmas is my top out of all the ones I picked. And all the ones you picked, are.
>> Speaker B: You sure it wasn't Riot? You sure that wasn't your favorite one?
>> Speaker A: Yeah, that was one of my picks.
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: you know what the thing about Riot is?
>> Speaker B: that was payback for Kirk Cameron saving.
>> Speaker A: wanted to I thought it added some flavor to the, flavor, huh? Your reaction was priceless when the first music video dropped and you're like, wait, what?
>> Speaker B: Yeah, it was something else. let's see. I'm trying to think what is my favorite? I would yeah, I think I'd have to go for Symbol or possibly even low because Lowe's up there.
>> Speaker A: Lowe's really good.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. But Symbol for its pure just bizarreness and off the wall. I didn't see any of it coming at any time. And it just continually got just weirder. So I enjoyed that.
>> Speaker A: There's no ceiling to it. It just keeps going, which I love that in a movie. I love a movie that's not afraid to just go bonkers. But the bonkers keeps on coming. Just absolutely unhinged films.
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: That's why even in mainstream horror movies, my favorite movie right now is probably still malignant because the movie is, unhinged. And it commits to being unhinged in a way that no one with that much money in their budget should. And it's fantastic.
>> Speaker B: And you know what? Not enough people talk about, the doll house shot, like camera work that they did in that movie that sticks with me. And I absolutely loved it.
>> Speaker A: That's the thing about that movie is it's really well made on every aspect. It's just also insane. And people talk about how insane it is, but they don't talk about the fact that it only works because not only is it nuts, it's executed by people all firing at really high cylinders.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. Like you said, it had to be that kind of outrageous to pull you into this story. And so yeah. that was good. Are there a lot of people that don't like that movie?
>> Speaker A: yeah. Weirdly people are weird.
>> Speaker B: The hell's wrong with people?
>> Speaker A: I don't know.
You picked your top three movies overall, I don't know if I should
>> Speaker B: All right. So that was your favorite movie overall, I don't know if I should make you pick your top three maybe I'll.
>> Speaker A: Just no, that's okay. I can pick three movies out of the ones you picked, right? That's the game.
>> Speaker B: Yes. You picked, the top three movies that it's going to be easy for me to do on yours, but it's going to be real hard for you to shut on mine.
>> Speaker A: I like how you picked three Krampus movies, but you just listed them all as Krampus.
>> Speaker B: Well, because I knew you wouldn't pick any of those for anything.
>> Speaker A: No, I'm not.
>> Speaker B: unless you want to pick two best and one worst.
>> Speaker A: Three best. Well, critters four.
>> Speaker B: All right. Big man special there. Yeah.
>> Speaker A: Big man on campus.
>> Speaker B: Oh, okay.
>> Speaker A: God damn it. And Xanadu.
>> Speaker B: Wow. all right.
>> Speaker A: I made you pick sanity.
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: Let's do a different one. the being.
>> Speaker B: Oh, god.
>> Speaker A: For this reason. It starts out as the Town That Dreaded Sundown. And then forgets it's doing that.
>> Speaker B: And it was supposed to be an Easter movie. That movie is just yeah, that was a weird one.
>> Speaker A: It's boring. And it took me three or four times to get to. but the fact that it starts out so committed to a bit that it forgets it's doing about halfway through, I got to give it some props. you've got a couple of movies that aren't terribly constructed to, like Force Warriors. Force Warrior is a movie spitfire. could be a better questionable could have been a better movie.
>> Speaker B: yeah. If it was all of, james Bond illegitimate children running around.
>> Speaker A: Yeah, that would have been hilarious.
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: and forget the gymnastics aspect. But hey, yeah.
>> Speaker B: Much like, what was it we watched, last year? Was, it parasite. I think it was Parasite. We were like, there's a much more interesting movie going on outside of this movie. was that parasite? I think it was.
>> Speaker A: Yes, it was Parasite. Yeah. that was like a post apocalyptic movie here.
>> Speaker B: It's not here.
>> Speaker A: Yes.
Your top three movies are the ones I picked
>> Speaker B: All right, so what were you going to ask me there? So what's?
>> Speaker A: Your top three movies are the ones I picked.
>> Speaker B: Okay. I'm not letting myself choose Symbol again because I chose it as my favorite. So that's out of the list. well, now I'll throw low in there because that was great. Hard ticket to Hawaii. A movie. It's a hard ticket to that stupid snake skateboarding on his hands. Oh my god.
>> Speaker A: Just when you thought it was safe to take a pee. Actual dialogue from the film.
>> Speaker B: Yes. So number three is kind of tough. I'm torn between and the room. And Christmas. Bloody Christmas.
>> Speaker A: No one has ever said that exact sentence before.
>> Speaker B: No. And, I think that The Room kind, of narrows it out a little bit.
>> Speaker A: Well, it would have to because you hadn't seen the room beforehand. Yeah.
>> Speaker B: So that was an eye opening experience for me. And it was amazing. And the lead actress in Christmas play. Christmas just said fuck way too many times for me. So took me out of that movie.
>> Speaker A: I know people who talk like that. I don't know.
>> Speaker B: Maybe I just get tired of hearing I'm like, no, that's enough. That's enough.
>> Speaker A: When's the last time you watched a Kevin Smith movie?
>> Speaker B: Oh, gosh, it's been a while.
>> Speaker A: Yeah.
>> Speaker B: I do have a copy of Clerks three that I should watch.
>> Speaker A: Probably don't try it.
>> Speaker B: I've heard good things. We'll see.
>> Speaker A: As you're saying, it definitely does the same thing.
M: The worst movie overall would have to be Riot
>> Speaker B: All right.
>> Speaker A: let's see. Let's flip that question on its head. What were the three worst movies you saw? M, actually, what's the worst movie overall, and then what's the three worst ones that I pick?
>> Speaker B: I would have to say that the worst movie overall would have to be Riot, because it was not a I hated hated Riot.
>> Speaker A: Okay.
>> Speaker B: I don't think.
>> Speaker A: You'Re saying you're a pass on Carmen's second movie, then.
>> Speaker B: Well, I mean, at least let me know if you do it so I can make an appointment with my therapist the next day.
>> Speaker A: I watched them as a child, and I turned out just fine. You know what? You have a point. heart of a Champion doesn't have music, so you're good.
>> Speaker B: Ah. So I would have to say riot would probably be my, least favorite out of all those.
>> Speaker A: Really? Yeah. Absolute shocking. If you had to pick three of the ones that I picked, were there worse that aren't Riot, what would they be?
>> Speaker B: M that would have to go to, things. Things and, things. Ah, grizzly two. grizzly two was bad. Yeah, it was the shitty editing that really got me on that movie.
>> Speaker A: The shitty everything. Yeah, the editing is especially egregious.
>> Speaker B: You know what? I got to go with the funky forest, not replicator. I still walk around going, gator, babe. it was a horrible movie, but it was entertaining, at least. Funky, forest. It had 20 really good minutes in there, and the rest of it was just all over the place.
>> Speaker A: But you actually brought that one to our attention to the beginning.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. You should learn not to trust my judgment on these things.
>> Speaker A: All right. My worst overall. It's things. Like hands down hands down things. That Things is like a, meteoric experience. Things is a tour de force of bad. I don't know if I have ever truly experienced a cinematic experience like watching Things, but I definitely don't want to again.
>> Speaker B: I mean, once you've experienced Things, then it's hard to go back.
>> Speaker A: Nothing's really the same. Even though I'm caught up in a tailspin, I can't say that things remain the same.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. But I still think riot is worse than Things.
>> Speaker A: I, mean, ideologically, riot is worse than Things. I'll give you that.
>> Speaker B: and I still have visions of those stupid music videos when I fall.
>> Speaker A: Asleep taking a step.
All three Krampus movies were pretty bad. Worst, the only ones that would come close
>> Speaker B: All right, so what's, your other bottom three out of mine?
>> Speaker A: Could I sooner pluck the stars from the sky? all three Krampus movies. Fuck that shit.
>> Speaker B: That's just cheating. But yes, they were all three pretty bad. I would probably rate those my three.
>> Speaker A: Worst, the only ones that would come close.
>> Speaker B: M, the movie from, my childhood memories of that movie.
>> Speaker A: And also was it a big fan of Mansquito?
>> Speaker B: M. Yeah, that was pretty boring. It was a bit underwhelming for what it would although for a Sci-Fi movie, if we were just going to base it on like a made for TV Sci-Fi movie. Not the worst.
>> Speaker A: Not the worst, but still not the best.
>> Speaker B: No, it's no sharknado.
>> Speaker A: I mean, sharknado has really only come around once in a lifetime.
>> Speaker B: Or movies.
>> Speaker A: Of that they did they stopped being good after the second one. Well, after the first one time that you get to the second one and they're aware of what they're trying to do, then they can't stick the landing at that point.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. When the campiness just kind of flew and it went, then it was fine. But yeah. they just tried too hard.
>> Speaker A: Camp is very hard to do. Right.
>> Speaker B: But yeah, they did a, ah, lavalangela about a, fire spitting tarantulas.
>> Speaker A: There's also a zombie tsunami one.
>> Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I think so.
>> Speaker A: zomnambi, or sue zombie or hurricane zombie or, you know you know.
>> Speaker B: I okay, I need to see lavalangeula now because it stars a bunch of the cast from police academies, including Steve Gutenberg and Michael Winslow.
>> Speaker A: Well, at least we figured out what happened to Steve Gutenberg.
>> Speaker B: What is he doing?
>> Speaker A: You're in one movie where you fuck a ghost and your career's over.
>> Speaker B: You're done. Oh my God, that is funny. I'm gonna have to watch.
>> Speaker A: Do you remember High?
High Spirits is a movie that has Steve Gutenberg in a starring role
>> Speaker A: Let'S let's let's let's talk about a couple things right here.
>> Speaker B: Okay?
>> Speaker A: High Spirits is a movie, and I'm pretty sure Steve Gutenberg is in it. Give me 5 seconds to Google what they call something in this movie because they have a very specific slang for it. And I want to know, if I get that right, they do not say what the name is on the Wikipedia page. So I will not be able to.
>> Speaker B: Tell you the slang thing.
>> Speaker A: All right, so High Spirits is the movie, that has Steve Gutenberg in a starring role. This guy who's a drunk, and I think, he's got a couple other problems. He's strapped for cash, so he converts his ancestral home in Ireland into a bed and breakfast. But it's haunted. So they have all of these American tourists show up, and Steve Gutenberg's one of them. But it's a haunted castle, in Ireland.
>> Speaker B: Okay.
>> Speaker A: They interfere with these ghosts. There are ghosts all over the place. But specifically, one of the pair is the ghost of these lovers. for whatever reason, the guy gets jealous and murders the woman he loves, and then in a fit of remorse, murders himself, right? So he stabs her to death and he turns the blade on himself. Now, Steve Gutenberg and his wife are a couple on the outs, and they each start a relationship with these oh, so independently, they're having affairs on each other with these ghosts.
>> Speaker B: Okay.
>> Speaker A: And there's something that you shouldn't do, apparently, but they're going to do. And it's fuck the ghosts. It's a huge plot. Point of this movie is about as explicitly ghost fucking to the point where they have a sling term for it. I think they call it sculpting or something to that effect. But I can't find it. I haven't seen this movie since I was a child. I do not remember.
>> Speaker B: Oh, my God.
>> Speaker A: The segue I want to take here is why in the 80s, did we have a plethora of movies in which a person encounters a fantastical thing, is explicitly told not to fuck that thing? And then there's a whole part of the movie is fucking that thing, even though they're not, because it's high spirits. But do you remember Cool World?
>> Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I do remember cool World.
>> Speaker A: Hollywood. yeah, same thing. You can't fuck a tune. Well, apparently you can.
>> Speaker B: See, when you said high spirits, I was thinking, of that movie, how high? With Ah, Method Man and Red Man. And I was like, Steve Gutenberg was in that.
>> Speaker A: No, no. Daryl Hannah's in this movie.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. Peter O'Toole.
>> Speaker A: Beverly D'Angelo.
>> Speaker B: Okay.
>> Speaker A: Liam Neeson plays the my God. Oh, my God. Jennifer Tilly's in this movie. We should have done this movie.
>> Speaker B: Fuck.
>> Speaker A: This should have been our St. Patrick's Day movie. I have failed you. I failed this podcast. I failed the listening public. We should have talked about high spirits.
>> Speaker B: No, but St. Patrick's Day we did getting lucky. That has a Leprechaun in it destined. We could have done Leprechaun Origins.
>> Speaker A: I mean, we could also podcast about the shape and consistency of dog shit and debatably. We have.
>> Speaker B: Yes, we have. Outside of this podcast, I did watch all of the Leprechaun movies, over the course of Halloween cinema. I'm, trying to catch up on, some films that I may have missed a lot of the sequels to, because I saw the first Leprechaun and then I never saw anything after that.
>> Speaker A: Well, they get better with age. The more sequels there are, the crazier they get. You do hit up on diminishing returns. but it gets to space. And that shit is just awesome.
>> Speaker B: Space one's great. The first hood one is great, and then it's bad after that until you get the new one that came out from the psycho corman guy.
>> Speaker A: Yeah, that guy. Got it.
There are a lot of part three movies out there
I have a question, actually.
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: What did you think about Leprechaun part three?
>> Speaker B: let's see what happened in Leprechaun Three. Which one was that one?
>> Speaker A: That's the one where someone's turning into a leprechaun and also he blows a woman up.
>> Speaker B: Oh, was that the one in Vegas? yeah, I really like that one. That one was fun because yeah, then the other guy started turning into that was, that was kind of cool. I like the lore of how other people would become leprechauns. So that way you could think there's multiple leprechauns. So yeah, that was actually of the original, trilogy. That might have been my favorite one, actually. I might have liked that better than part one.
>> Speaker A: It's funny how often by the time you get to the third installment in a series, how much they take shape and really change. But pivot and you can see a lot of cool things. A lot of movies get to a third installment for things you didn't even know were franchises. There's like three or four or five of them.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, there's probably a couple. part three, what season are we.
>> Speaker A: Going to go to next? What's our season number?
>> Speaker B: this will be starting, I think, in February will be our third season of, the Found on Shelf podcast.
>> Speaker A: You know what would be really cool? Hear me out.
>> Speaker B: More films.
>> Speaker A: Well, Debatable, but what if in season three, we only cover the third installment in franchises?
>> Speaker B: What?
>> Speaker A: I'm sensing a lack of faith here.
>> Speaker B: okay, so my only problem with that is I know there's a lot of part three movies out there, but they're all pretty mainstream movies. Are we going to have to kind of switch the focus? Or are there a lot of kind of smaller, forgotten part three movies?
>> Speaker A: It's funny you say that. There's a lot of part three movies. Obviously. There's like, leprechaun three, right?
>> Speaker B: But yeah.
>> Speaker A: Have you seen the angel series?
>> Speaker B: oh, that's about, the avenging hooker or whatever.
>> Speaker A: Yeah, there's three angel movies. There's angel three.
>> Speaker B: American.
>> Speaker A: Ninja has a third movie. Basket Case has a third movie. Beastmaster has a third movie. You know, troll two. It's not the end of the Troll. There are two separate troll. Threes. There's zombie three, which is really zombie two, but zombie four is zombie three. do you remember the Munchies movies for full moon?
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: Okay, so there's munchies. And then the children's movie with Dom De Louise about an alien called Munchy is in fact, actually a sequel to the Gremlins rip off Munchies. So munchy two is munchies three. You have Delta Force Three. You've got Feast, the movie that came off the project Greenlight. That's feast part three. Hellhouse, LLC has, like, three movies. Highlander has three movies, and those suck more and more as they go. the Howling Three. That one's called the Marsupials. There's fucking Marsupials in The Howling. Three. There's a third house movie, but we don't have to cover the third house movie.
>> Speaker B: You know what just came out last year was, feeders. part three.
>> Speaker A: I regret this. I regret this. Now.
There are three Death Stalker movies with no death stalking in them
>> Speaker B: How many Children of the Corn movies were there? there's got to be like eight of those.
>> Speaker A: Oh, god, there's a ton Death Stalker movies. There's a third Death Stalker movie with a third Death Stalker because they do not repeat, you do not save person playing Death Stalker in any movie. And spoiler alert, in three movies there's still no death stalking. I don't know what they're doing over there. left behind three. They get left behind again. Home alone three gets home alone.
>> Speaker B: Patrick, you might regret this. Let's see. Are you familiar with the character Fred?
>> Speaker A: You know, we don't have to do that.
>> Speaker B: Very kind of, opens it up. But there is a Fred Three movie. Okay, you know what? I am liking this. I got death toilet three. Duty calls. We can watch that.
>> Speaker A: I heard that one's kind of shitty.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, probably. yeah. Ah, that's, I'm sure we've got a couple of shark movies we could throw in there somewhere.
>> Speaker A: I'm sure there's a Scanners movie.
>> Speaker B: Scanners Three.
>> Speaker A: Wishmaster.
>> Speaker B: all right, you know what? I'm on board. Let's do part three.
Let's do, um, tell them there is a creature loose in this city
>> Speaker A: Let's do, tell them there is a creature loose in this city. A creature that feeds on wishes.
>> Speaker B: I m can't really promise that I'm going to pick the best, movies, for this.
>> Speaker A: shocker.
>> Speaker B: There might be some real stinkers in there. Did you know he made a third Cannonball Run movie?
>> Speaker A: I've seen the second one. Jackie Chan's in it.
>> Speaker B: Well, there's no need for a.
>> Speaker B: Third Brady Bunch movie, too. Jesus Christ.
>> Speaker A: Is it ninja three? The Domination?
>> Speaker B: Oh, yes. Ninja Three is the domination. We'll be dominating that one for sure. I think.
>> Speaker A: I don't know why there's a third prom night movie when you had prom night two. that movie is perfect.
There are a lot of movies that I've never seen part one or two
>> Speaker B: here's going to be the interesting thing with a lot of these is we're just going to jump in at part three.
>> Speaker A: Yeah.
>> Speaker B: So there's a lot of these that I've never seen part one or two. Just like you threw me right into the Scanner universe with Scanner Cop.
>> Speaker A: Didn't you enjoy your experience?
>> Speaker B: I enjoyed that one. I don't know how much I'll enjoy this one because, like you did say, there are some movies leprechaun and they just kind of hit their stride and boom. Three is great.
>> Speaker A: Sleepaway Camp Three is fantastic. Okay, to be fair, every Sleepaway Camp movie is worth watching.
>> Speaker B: But I mean, there's some Universal Soldier Three. Like, did you ever watch Maniac? Maniac Cop three.
>> Speaker A: Isn't that the one where he tries to get married?
>> Speaker B: I have not seen any of the Maniac Cops, so I don't know.
>> Speaker A: No, they're terrible.
>> Speaker B: I bet.
>> Speaker A: let's see. Trimmers Three. oh, there are three Vice Academy.
>> Speaker B: Movies we can watch.
>> Speaker A: Vice academy three.
>> Speaker B: oh, I got it. grime wave cockface three.
>> Speaker A: No, you're making that up.
>> Speaker B: No, yeah, that's an actual, ah, title of a movie. grime wave cockface three.
>> Speaker A: I'm going to ask is Grime wave cockface three? God. Okay. Is that movie really the third movie? Or is it one of those where, we're jokingly going to say there's a whole bunch of these.
>> Speaker B: Oh, it's a third movie and it's actually called The Domination. It's crime wave cockface three. The Domination.
>> Speaker A: Dustin, what's your grindr history look like?
>> Speaker B: Not good.
>> Speaker A: So I think, that's a game plan. Yeah.
>> Speaker B: Oh, it's a plan. You might regret it, but it is a plan. This is going to hurt. I'm not going to lie.
>> Speaker A: Like Icarus, I have flown too close to the sun and paid for my hubris with prehistoria three.
>> Speaker B: Is that the cartoon dinosaurs? Is that the one with claymation? Okay, I'm thinking land before time.
>> Speaker A: There's 14 of those if you want to do Land Before Time three. But I've seen that one.
>> Speaker B: God. Yeah. What has more movies? Land before time or amityville.
>> Speaker A: land before time because it's a canonical series. Amityville is in the mainline series. There's really not that many. What you're talking about with Amityville? Okay. So do you know Django Unchained?
>> Speaker B: Django? What are you talking about here?
>> Speaker A: Okay, django Unchained is a reference to the Django movies. The Django movies are really popular. Spaghetti Westerns.
>> Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah.
>> Speaker A: Do you know how many Django movies there are? There's like more than 30. Do you know how many actual, mainline Django movies there are? There's two. There's the first Django and then one made like 20 or 30 years later. Every other one is an unofficial Django movie made with a character made, about a character named Django but isn't the real Django to get along wild copyright issues. That's what the Amityville movies they're all, they're all unrelated movies about Amityville. But there's like four or five Amityville movies.
>> Speaker B: like real Story.
>> Speaker A: Because the mainline series doesn't go into space or have job interviews.
>> Speaker B: I'm sorry about that one. And I do stand correct. The cockface. Three. That was not the title. It's much like Killer Raccoons, where they changed the title of it called Apart. The first one was called Gorgasm and I believe the second one was called Goreface Killer. But, the monster in all those movies were Cockface, who is a serial killer, I believe that has a dildo on his head.
Justin: We hit 50 episodes between the last two seasons
>> Speaker A: What are we doing here, Justin?
>> Speaker B: I don't know. I don't know. You've sent me out. You know what? I'm just going to go on to be and type in part three and see what pops up.
>> Speaker A: How many episodes are we doing? How many episodes do we have? I think we had quite a few, the last two seasons.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, we usually do.
>> Speaker A: what's your milestone?
>> Speaker B: Well, we hit 50, we hit 50 episodes, between the two seasons. You were dead for that. that's right.
>> Speaker A: Canadically dead.
>> Speaker B: Yeah.
>> Speaker A: We, ah, did do a Halloween miniseries this year. Really stretched our creative legs a little bit. yeah, I thought it was as fun as it was cringe. So I think we did good.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. we hit 50. I think we're up to like almost 60 now or something like that. And most podcasts die shortly, after, 20 episodes or so. so I think that's a big accomplishment. I'm, going to be relaunching our website here, hopefully within the next by the time this airs. Hopefully within the next few weeks after that. So that'll be cool. So be sure to check us out, on the website. It'll be You could sign up for a mailing list. We won't spam you. We'll just like new episodes out. Check it out or we'll let you know. A movie we're going to watch next time ahead of everyone else. M. Make it special for the people. How about that?
>> Speaker A: Yeah. And remember, we're on every social media site. You can find us wherever things are. Found on shelves.
>> Speaker B: Yes, found on shelves, typed into phones. all that fun stuff.
Dustin: Overall, we had a good year with some good movies
I was kind of distracted because I don't think I want to do cockface three anymore.
>> Speaker A: I like that instinct. I'm going to say we should lean into that instinct.
>> Speaker B: I looked at the cast and it's an extensive cast of six people. The lead character's name is Russ T. Nuts Knuts. And there's also Cyrus. Ah, c lit liquor. big wang.
>> Speaker A: Yeah. Okay.
>> Speaker B: Pung.
>> Speaker A: Yu.
>> Speaker B: sports commentator. Those are the characters. And of course, the cockpit skiller. Who could forget? so I don't know. You know what? We don't have to do every part three movie. We could pick and choose.
>> Speaker A: Yeah, we could pick and choose.
>> Speaker B: That would be a good idea.
>> Speaker A: Too bad there isn't a High Spirits part three. Boy, did I drop the ball on that one.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, that sounds like a fun movie. We'll have to that would do that in a couple of years when we don't have, a theme. Because now I got to come up with a theme for next year for you. You know what, I think that was fun. We had a good year. there were some good movies. there were some bad movies. But overall I'd say, we did a pretty solid number. And we introduced, people to some films that they may not have been familiar with before. And that's our job. That's what we like to do.
>> Speaker A: Well, I said that I would pick weirder and better stuff in season two than I did in season one. And I think I committed to that.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, I would say, you definitely stepped it up as far as quality. I can't say the same for myself.
>> Speaker A: But Cthulhu Mansion was a misstep for me.
>> Speaker B: That was not a good one. The Funky Forest, unfortunately, was also not the best step. But that wasn't due to anybody.
>> Speaker A: But I really felt people need to know about that.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, because like you said, nobody talks about it ever.
>> Speaker A: nobody talks about it? No. But it's so fucking weird. I have a complicated history with this film, Dustin. Yeah, I really want to like it.
>> Speaker B: Low Symbol and The Funky Forest is quite an interesting trilogy of films.
>> Speaker A: If you watched them all back to back, it sure the fuck would be.
>> Speaker B: No, all at the same time, just like on different TVs. Just.
>> Speaker A: Wow. Let's see. What movies did we not get to this year that are in the notes to get to? we still haven't done the blood sucker Joan movies. Those are probably my fault. oh, no.
>> Speaker B: Yeah. Ah, we'll get to those.
>> Speaker A: There's something called slipstream. Yeah. And Dynamite Johnson.
>> Speaker B: Dynamite Johnson. maybe we'll do that one sometime. It's a foreign film about a child martial artist. Okay. We did a lot of the other stuff we planned. Slipstream was, I've talked about it twice now. It was that movie with Mark Hamill. I just don't think it's that entertaining. It's just not that much fun to watch. And I have no clue what Busted is. I thought you wrote that. Maybe I wrote that.
>> Speaker A: I didn't. Maybe it.
>> Speaker B: I mean, if I if I'm looking up, Gorgasm, I don't know what Busted might be.
>> Speaker A: I mean, Gorgasm does also just sound like a gore album.
>> Speaker B: Oh, God. Yeah. We might have to watch Busted.
This was Corey Feldman's directorial debut
It stars the Coreys.
>> Speaker A: That's why he picked it.
>> Speaker B: Feldman and Feld Dog.
>> Speaker A: Well, he is the comeback comeback king.
>> Speaker B: Oh. This was Corey Feldman's directorial debut.
>> Speaker A: That's why I wanted to that's why he picked yep. that sounds like that would be painful to talk about.
>> Speaker B: Due to his frequent absences in drug use during filmings, corey Haim was eventually fired by director Corey Feldman. Wow. All right.
>> Speaker A: I'm sure, that went over yeah.
>> Speaker B: I can't imagine that being a good movie at all.
>> Speaker A: Yeah.
>> Speaker B: Good movie to talk about.
>> Speaker A: No. God, no. So we're going to watch it, right?
>> Speaker B: I don't know. Well, it's not a part three, so I'm not a part three?
>> Speaker A: Yeah.
>> Speaker B: for a year. Yeah. We're going to have to find shark movies. We're going to have to find Christmas movies. We're going to have to find,
>> Speaker A: You say that like finding a shark movie. That's a third installment. It's going to be a difficult thing.
>> Speaker B: I guess if you want to go with, this series. They don't only call them part threes, but it's like the same series.
>> Speaker A: Yeah. It doesn't have to say part three, just the third one. We have to decide which troll three to cover. We have to decide if it troll Zombie Three or Zombie Four counts as the third zombie movie?
>> Speaker B: Both. We'll do a double header.
The Criterion Channel recently launched a collection of Hong Kong movies
since it's kind of the end of the year wrap up, what new discoveries have you liked? Any new movies that came out like that you enjoyed?
>> Speaker A: obscure ones? The ones we did on the show, or ones we just found?
>> Speaker B: No, just brand. Yeah, something, something new that you found that you had never seen before. That you're like. Wow, this is pretty good. I watched the rest of the Leprechaun movies. I watched the, Hell House, LLC trilogy.
>> Speaker A: during September, the Criterion Channel launched a collection of movies from Hong Kong that are, called the Mr. Vampire series. So briefly, in Hong Kong cinema in the 80s, there, okay, let's see if I can say this correctly. no, there's no m pronouncing. That right. so the briefly was, a craze talk depicting the hopping vampires. in Asian cultures. It starts with a movie called Spooky Encounters or Encounters of the Spooky Kind. And then that spawns off into an unrelated franchise of movies called Mr. Vampire. And there are these insane kung fu comedies made in Hong Kong in the 80s with hopping vampires. And they are amazing. Mr. Vampire is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Mr. Vampire Two is not. But the choices it makes in relation to Mr. Vampire One are so insane. It's also fantastic to watch the Vampire Three loses it a little bit. And unfortunately, that's the one we're going to watch this next year.
>> Speaker B: Of course.
>> Speaker A: But you do get to see somebody fold up a child like an origami piece of paper and shove them in a jar.
>> Speaker B: And really that's all I want in life.
>> Speaker A: If anyone's out there has access to the Criterion Channel, or you want to purchase, these movies, you can get them online. They're region locked, but there's a lot of region free players you can get. Mr. Vampire. Fantastic films.
>> Speaker B: All right. Definitely gives me something to look forward to here.
>> Speaker A: Yeah, no, it was fantastic. I love those movies. Dynamite.
>> Speaker B: All right, that'll be good. That'll be fun, to check out.
Are we about wrapped up with this year end wrap up?
So you got anything else to, add on? Are we about wrapped up with this year end wrap up?
>> Speaker A: I think we hit all of the notes we wanted to hit, so yeah, we are good. remember, we are found on shelf pod, on all social networks. And, watch this space for what comes next.
>> Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. And, I guess we'll see it season three for part three movies. I mean, should it be like found on shelf season three? The Domination, something to that degree? Not The Domination, but it's got to be.
>> Speaker A: No one's believing I'm dominating anything.
>> Speaker B: I don't know.
>> Speaker A: I reek of cop energy.
>> Speaker B: Just dominating the hearts and minds of tens of listeners that we have around the world. There are dozens of our fans, and, you know, we appreciate everybody. So, you can go ahead and like I said, I'll have an email, sign up sheet. we'll do a blog and, follow us on all the social medias, interact. Shoot us an email. Pound on shelf. Wow, you got me thinking about that energy again.
>> Speaker A: Good night. folks?
>> Speaker B: Pound on shelf.